Minorités | Dossier | Institut européen - IE-EI
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Dossier minorités / Minorities

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International Law and Nomadic People
Marco Moretti - 2012 (étudiant DHEEI, promotion 1996-1997)
Nomadic people, have over the years, been subject to prejudice and negative thinking by sedentarised societies as well as by political and legislative systems. It was finally only in the 1970s that international lawyers began to reassess the status of these peoples, to recognise their rights and above all, to protect them. In his thesis Marco Moretti defines the relationship between nomadic people and law-makers between the 16th and 19th centuries.

Researcher at the Institute of ‘Law of Peace and Development’ Marco Moretti delivers his thesis for his Ph.D. in International Law. A pedagogically treated subject, argumented with wisdom and intelligence. He has well deserved his first class honours with a special recommendation by the jury.

Minorités ethniques, minorités linguistiques - les liens

  When ethnicity is “national”: mapping ethnic minorities in Europe’s framework convention for the protection of national minorities - 2024

  Unveiling Discrimination: Minorities in Türkiye - 2024

  EU legislation and policies to address racial and ethnic discrimination - EPRS - 2024 (pdf)

 “The European family? Wouldn’t that be the white people?”: Brexit and British ethnic minority attitudes towards Europe - 2023

Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Social and Economic Life & Explanatory Note - OSCE 2023 (pdf)

EU legislation and policies to address racial and ethnic discrimination - EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service 2023 (pdf)

Minority Rights in International Human Rights Law - Dec 2023

Linguistic and cultural diversity - Minority and minoritised languages as part of European linguistic and cultural diversity - EUROPA 2023

Minority and minoritised languages as part of the European linguistic and cultural diversity Étude 27-06-2023

Protecting Minority Rights: A Practical Guide to Developing Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Legislation - 2022

Comité consultatif de la Convention-cadre pour la protection des minorités nationales - 13e  rapport d’activité couvrant la période du 1er juin 2020 au 31 mai 2022 - COUNCIL OF EUROPE 2022 (pdf)

Recommendations of the Forum on Minority Issues at its fourteenth session on the theme “Conflict prevention and the protection of the human rights of minorities” - Report of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues (A/HRC/49/81) UN 2022

Georgia’s Minorities: Breaking Down Barriers to Integration - June 2021 (pdf)

Rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/46/44) - 2021

National Minorities in International Law - May 2020 (pdf)

Is Labour Market Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities Better Explained by Taste or Statistics? July 2020 (pdf)

Refugees and minorities: some conceptual and normative issues - 2020 (pdf)

Protecting Ethnic Minorities within Minorities - March 2020 (pdf)

Particularism, dominant minorities and institutional change - WP 2019 - Nr 27 (pdf)

Challenges religious minorities face in accessing humanitarian assistance - 2019 (pdf)

Promotion effective de la Déclaration sur les droits des personnes appartenant à des minorités nationales ou ethniques, religieuses et linguistiques - Nations Unies 15 juillet 2019 (pdf)

Minority and Indigenous Trends 2019 Focus on climate justice - 2019 (pdf)

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2016 (pdf)

Do minorities like nudges? The role of group norms in attitudes towards behavioral policy - January 2019 (pdf)

The Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations & Explanatory Note - June 2008 - OSCE

Mainstreaming a minority rights-based approach to refugee and migrant communities in Europe - December 2017

No escape from discrimination: minorities, indigenous peoples and the crisis of displacement - December 2017

Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Main Survey - December 2017

Migration Crisis: Extermination and Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya Minorities in Myanmar and a Potential Threat to Stability in South and South-East Asia - 2017

Towards a comprehensive EU protection system for minorities - 30-08-2017 - European Parliament

Crossroads: The future of Iraq’s minorities after ISIS - 2017

Who Are The Minorities? The Role of the Right to Self-Identify within the European Minority Rights Framework - Elizabeth Craig - University of Sussex 2016 (pdf)

The protection of minorities from Syria and Iraq - 2016

A New Era for Myanmar – Trouble Ahead for Ethnic Minorities - PRIO 2016 (pdf)

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2015

Ethnic minorities and attainment: the effects of poverty - Research and analysis - June 2015

Minorités nationales et Espace Schengen - Emilie CHEVALIER 2015

From Crisis to Catastrophe: the situation of minorities in Iraq - October 2014 (pdf)

Minorities in the South Caucasus:New visibility amid old frustrations - European Parliament - June 2014 (pdf)

Introduction – National Minorities between Protection and Empowerment - Federica Prina - European Centre for Minority Issues 2014 (pdf)

Promoting and Protecting Minority Rights: A Guide for Advocates - United nations 2012 (pdf)

Droits des minorités : Normes internationales et indications pour leur mise en œuvre - Nations Unies 2010 (pdf)

Compilation des études et rapports de la Commission de Venise sur la protection des minorités nationales - CDL(2011)018 Français 06/06/2011 (pdf)

Minorités linguistiques autochtones des Alpes italiennes - Nouvelle législation – Nouvelles identifications – Nouveaux processus démographiques - Ernst Steinicke, Judith Walder, Roland Löffler et Michael Beismann - 2011

Representation of minorities in the Romanian parliament - Dr. Oleh Protsyk - CASE STUDY / PARLIAMENT / ROMANIA 2010 (pdf)

The Greek Minority in Albania – Current Tensions - Miranda Vick - Balkans Series 2/2010 (pdf)

Does Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Vary Across Minority Groups? Evidence from a Field Experiment - IZA DP No. 4947 - May 2010 (pdf)

Ces minorités qui peuvent tout faire basculer - Courrier International - Janvier 2010

OHCHR - Fiche d'information No 18 (Rev.1) - Droits des minorités

"National Minority Issues and European Security," address by Knut Vollebaek, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities - OSCE - 2010 (pdf)

Minorities and the EU: Human Rights, Regional Development and Beyond - EUROREG - EU Policy Paper - Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (pdf)

Regions, Minorities and European Integration: A Case Study on Hungarians in The Košice Region, Slovakia - by Aneta Világi - The Romanian Journal of Political Sciences - 2007

Le problème des minorités dans l’Europe post-communiste - AFRI 2007

Tendencies of Minority Protection in the Law of the European Union - Csaba Pákozdy - Miskolc Journal of International Law VOLUME 5. (2008) (pdf)

Iran: Ethnic and Religious Minorities - Hussein D. Hassan - CRS REPORT FOR CONGRESS May 25, 2007 (pdf)

The Economic Status of National Minorities in Europe: a Four-Case Study - Jonathan Wheatley 2007 (pdf)

Vers un régime européen de protection des minorités ? AFRI 2007

Strasbourg, 18 janvier 2007 - Etude n° 294 / 2004 CDL-AD(2007)001 - COMMISSION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE PAR LE DROIT (COMMISSION DE VENISE)
RAPPORT SUR LES NON-RESSORTISSANTS ET LES DROITS DES MINORITES Adopté par la Commission de Venise lors de sa 69e session plénière (Venise, 15-16 décembre 2006) (pdf)

The Economic Dimension of Minority Participation in Europe - February 2007 - Wheatley, Jonathan (PDF file 108 KB)

Minorities in Europe - Legal Instruments of Minority Protection in Europe - An overview - By Thomas Benedikter - november 2006

Georgia’s Armenian and Azeri Minorities - International Crisis Group - Europe Report N°178 - 22 November 2006 (pdf)

INTERNATIONAL LAW and NOMADIC PEOPLE - By Marco Moretti - 2006 - (pdf)

Reconsidering Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany: The Integration of the 21st-century Gastarbeiter - 2006

Violence against Minorities in Serbia - October 10, 2005 Report (pdf)

ECMI Issue Brief  14 - 2005 - Malloy, Tove H. - The Aspect of Culture in Promoting Social Inclusion in the European Union: Is the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) Working for Ethnic Minorities? (pdf)

24: Malloy, Tove H. - July 2005, 44 pp, National Minority ‘Regions’ in the Enlarged European Union: Mobilizing for Third Level Politics?

2/06/2005 - Géorgie - Minorités - Minorités ethniques en Géorgie

Droit européen des minorités et evolution des principes généraux du droit international - Ivan Boev - 2003 (pdf)


Minorités nationales en Europe et protection des droits de l'homme : un enjeu pour l'élargissement - Politique étrangère 3/2002 - Sabine RIEDEL (pdf)

Towards a Europe for All - 'New Minorities' : Inclusion and Equality - Mr. Rolf Ekéus, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities - International Press Center Nieuwspoort, The Hague - 20 October 2003 (pdf)

The Approach of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities - Frederick John Packer
Regional Security Institutions and the Rights of Ethnic Minorities and Religions: The Case of the ASEAN Regional Forum - Mely Caballero-Anthony
The Importance of the United Nations i n the Protection of Universal Rights for the Ethnic Minorities and Religions -Nicholas Howen
Promoting Human Rights Development in the People's Republic of China: The Germany-China Human Rights Dialogue -
Jiang Shu Xian

Europe: Rights of Ethnic Minorities and Religions – Linking Diversity - Mark Neville - Dialogue + Cooperation 2/2004 (pdf)

Minority Ethnic Groups in Britain - Ruth Lupton and Anne Power- November 2004 (pdf) An ESRC Research Centre

REPORT - Minority Rights Group International 2002 (pdf) - The South Caucasus: Nationalism, Conflict and Minorities

Economic Exclusion and Discrimination: The Experiences of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Minority Rights Group International - 2003

Monitoring the Monitors: EU Enlargement Conditionality and Minority Protection in the CEECs in JEMIE, No. 1 (2003), Hughes, James and Sasse, Gwendolyn

A Rough orientation through a delicate relationship: the European Union´s endeavours for (its) minorities - Toggenburg, Gabriel N., in European Integration online papers (Eiop), Vol. 4 No. 16, 2000 (pdf)

CORBETTA Silvia - Mémoire IEHEI 2002 - L'élargissement de l'Union européenne : la mise en conformité du droit des minorités dans les pays candidats à travers les exemples roumain et hongrois (pdf)

Ninth Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo - (Period covering September 2001 to April 2002) OSCE - UNHCR (pdf)

Monitoring Minority Protection in EU Member States

COMMISSION DE VENISE - CDL-MIN(1999)001f-restr - Strasbourg, le 23 mars 1999 - DROIT ELECTORAL ET MINORITES NATIONALES - Projet de rapport préparé par le Secrétariat (pdf)

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actualisé 10/2024
