Mémoire de fin d'études | Thèse 2007 | Institut européen - IE-EI
Recherche  >  2000 - 2010  >  2006-2007


 DHEEI filière trilignue - DHEEI filière anglophone



CALANCEA Victoria La libre circulation des citoyens européens après le dernier élargissement (2004-2007)  
CICHA Karolina Access to justice for individuals in the context of the European Communities  
COURTOIS Rozenn L'Apport de la télévision dans la consolidation de l'Union européenne   
FEZEU TAMO William The understanding of realism as the paradigm of international relations in the origins of european integration  
FILIPOVIC Nataša Making the Lisbon strategy happen  
FRANCOUR Özlem Ebru Environmental performance of Turkey in EU accession process in comparison with Bulgaria and Romania  
GANOVA Aglika European Union Energy Policy : Diversified in Unity ?  
GRASU Gabriela Women’s rights as human rights – An Assessment of the European Union gender Policy  
HALACHEVA Plamena Vers une nouvelle politique de développement durable de l’UE ? Le défi régional  
HÎNCU Maria La politique européenne de voisinage : le cas de la Moldavie  
KHACHATRYAN Knar Le rôle des énergies renouvelables dans la politique énergétique de l'Union européenne »  
LOWTHORP Leah The Cultural Politics of UNESCO’S Intangible Heritage of Humanity  
MAKARA Kamila The European Union law and health care systems  
MENGISTE Tigist Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des neuen entwicklungspolitischen Ansatzes der Europäischen Union  
MILLECKER Judith The role of consensus in the EU’s CFSP in the light of the Iraq crisis in 2003 : Was this crisis  
MOJSOSKA Marija The so-called CNN effect – myth or reality ?  
NEZNAMOVA Nataliya Does the European Union Need a Common Diplomatic Service ?  
NYAWAKIRA-PERREL Nina Les répercussions des besoins énergétiques de la Chine sur sa politique étrangère  
PAZERAITE Akvile Die EU und Russland auf dem Weg zu einer Energie-Partnerschaft : « zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit »  
POSA Viktor The future of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and European Security and Defence Policy after enlargement  
RAZAKASON Holitiana Annie L’intégration régionale en Afrique : cas de la Communauté de Développement de l’Afrique Australe (SADC)   
RÓTH András The role of intelligence in military crisis management operations: a grand challenge for the EU  
TRIFU Cristina Andreea L’Union européenne et ses citoyens – crise de confiance ?  
TYUTYUNDZHIEVA Aneliya Posséder la bombe : Entre volonté de puissance, le désir de l’indépendance et l’impératif de défense  
VASILE Alina-Mihaela Bringing peace to a troubled continent : Peacekeeping, Mediation and Other Forms of Intervention in African Conflicts  
VENKOVA Iva Relations between the EU and Japan (1950s-2007): Indifference, Limited Cooperation or a Strategic Partnership?  
VON SACHSEN MEININGEN Marie-Alix Oil for Security or Securing Oil ? : U.S.-Saudi Relations and the Security in the Persian Gulf  


DHEEI Istanbul

Semiha AHMET Bulgaria’s European Union Integration and Its Minority Question. The Case Study of Turkish Minority  
Mihaela BARBULESCU Turkey looking at the evolution of Regional Development and Regional Governance  
Ayse BEDEN Security of Energy supply in the EU: Challenges and Solutions  
Aysegül BINALI The Sustainable Development in International Law Concerning International Environmental Law on Climate Change  
Nalân ÇAVAS Change in the Security concepts and perceptions after the Cold War and their Reflections on Security Strategies  
Mustafa Kürsat CENTINKOZ German Liberal Party and its role in the European Liberal Democrat’s and Radical party  
Zeynep ERKAN Effectiveness of Lobbying on EU Institutions: In a comparative perspective to European Commission, European Parliament and Council of Ministers  
Murat GÜNAY An Analyses of People’s Liberation Army – Is PLA’s Development a Threat or Not For Global World?  
Anna HÜLLE Assessment of the United Nations Intervention in Rwanda & United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (prior to and during the Genocide)  
Petek KALAYCIOGLU The Role of Health Crises in EU Health Policy  
Billur MANAV Ethnic Identities and Ethnic Religions in Turkey with a Special Focus on the Actors who made them to speak up freely  
Gildas MANCEAU Liberté de presse : Accès, Contrôle et Enjeux de l’information en République populaire de Chine  
Serpil POLAT Evolution of Trade between Turkey and the European Union. What prospects for future?  
Mariana ROSCA Challenges and Opportunities of International Migration for Europe: The Case of Moldova  
Seda SONGUN Civilian Control over the Military : The Case of Turkey with special focus on Internal Threats on its way to European Union Membership  

