
Acquérir des compétences professionnelles

The new year reserved an intensive start for CIFE's students in Nice: Before heading to Tunis and Canterbury, the Mediterranean and trilingual students started very early in January, on 3rd and 4th, with their individual career coaching: All CVs and cover letters were polished and pimped under the critical and supportive guidance of international coach Nina Frauenfeld, Success Across. But most importantly, thanks to their individual counseling, all students have now clarity on their strongest selling points to get going with their applications for the post-graduation period. 

After focussing on the individual coaching, the students continued their training in professional skills with a two-day simulation of negotiations in an international public policy setting with Dr Juan Diaz-Prinz, international negotiation trainer, INGROUP BERLIN, European Forum for International Mediation and Dialogue (mediaEUr), and Tobias Flessenkemper, CIFE.

Straight after arriving in Nice from Berlin, the students of the Global Studies programme participated in a one day seminar on “Intercultural Communication & Intercultural Competence” with Nina Frauenfeld: On 16th of January, they plunged into the study of cross-cultural dimensions such as time, hierarchy, masculinity/femininity, individualism/collectivism and the principles of diversity management. The manifold cultural backgrounds of the student body offered the perfect basis and environment for creating awareness, transmitting knowledge, working on attitudes and fostering skills in the field of cross-cultural competence – an ever more important qualification, as European institutions, global companies and organisations are seeking for graduates with strong cross-cultural competence.

